Old School

Old School                      Diebold                January 23, 2020

It’s 2020, and I prefer to listen to the radio every day to get my daily intake of news. As for TV, I cannot afford cable as a student, so the only time I see a news broadcast is on an online source on an or shared from a news broadcaster onto social media. Taking Communications 130, I subscribed to news channels on my social media, and I am so happy I had that experience because I now feel in the loop and can be part of a broader community than just my friends on my feeds. I am old school, and with my career goals incorporated with social media, I have started to reshape my accounts from pleasure to education from what I have learned in all of my programs thus far. 

I wish that I had access to a newspaper more daily. As a kid, I would always skip the news in the paper and go straight to the back in the classifieds and cut out the garage sales. As an adult, I love finding newspapers at coffee shops and skimming through and finding out what the community is up to and reading news that would otherwise be left out of media because it is locally focused and not top news channel news. 

The communications program at Camosun has had a significant impact on my personal life, and it has helped my professional life immensely. Camosun public relations is essential not only for the students but for the community involved in/or around Camosun College. Camosun not only gives opportunities to the students through communication, but it reaches out to members of the city and creates a broad sense of community and networks for all that are involved. 


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